VR experience ‘Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine’ out now

Waving around Lightsabers have always been a fantasy for so many young people who grew up with the franchise. The VR experience 'Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine' will allow players to really throw themselves into the universe. It will be up on the Steam VR store for the HTC Vive today, the 18th of July, 2016.The team are working on this project under the guidance of Lucasfilm's chief technology officer Rob Bredow and Story Development Executive, A.K.A, the keeper of the Star Wars canon, Pablo Hidalgo. This is to make sure the game feels and looks as good as it possibly can in order to allow the player to fully immerse themselves into the gameplay and story.

Waving around Lightsabers have always been a fantasy for so many young people who grew up with the franchise. The VR experience ‘Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine’ will allow players to really throw themselves into the universe. It will be up on the Steam VR store for the HTC Vive today, the 18th of July, 2016.

The team are working on this project under the guidance of Lucasfilm’s chief technology officer Rob Bredow and Story Development Executive, A.K.A, the keeper of the Star Wars canon, Pablo Hidalgo. This is to make sure the game feels and looks as good as it possibly can in order to allow the player to fully immerse themselves into the gameplay and story.

Within the game, players will be wielding a lightsaber with the Vive’s controller and using it to help Luke Skywalker rebuild the Jedi Order. This sets the game after the events of Return of the Jedi, long after the fall of the Empire.

According to Bredow, Trials on Tatooine serves as a benchmark for the team to see if combining a story driven experience with the level of interactivity that VR enables users is a successful match. Possibly pointing to future projects using the HTC Vive.

For now, if you have a HTC Vive, you can pick up Trials on Tatoonie for free on the Steam VR store today.

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