Death Stranding rumored to co-star Mads Mikkelsen

Although details on Death Stranding itself are scant, one thing we known is that at least one actor will star in the game. According to some rumors, Norman Reedus won't be acting alone, as images surface with what could be Hannibal's Mads Mikkelsen shooting for Death Stranding. In a fairly innocuous tweet sent out by Hideo Kojima to update fans on the game's progress, there is a blurred out image of a man wearing a long sleeve, orange upper wear of some sort.

Although details on Death Stranding itself are scant, one thing we known is that at least one actor will star in the game. According to some rumors, Norman Reedus won’t be acting alone, as images surface with what could be Hannibal’s Mads Mikkelsen shooting for Death Stranding. In a fairly innocuous tweet sent out by Hideo Kojima to update fans on the game’s progress, there is a blurred out image of a man wearing a long sleeve, orange upper wear of some sort.

It wasn’t until a fan posted an image of Mads with a selfie on Instagram that speculation began.

According to the fan, Mads had told him that he was around to shoot for a ‘Japanese game’. This speculation is further supplemented by the orange hoodie Mads is wearing in the photo, and the fact that both the actor and Kojima had met not long ago for some undetermined reason. The meetup was simply assumed to be Kojima wanting to meet with one of his favorite actors, as noted from a tweet last year.

Of course, these are still rumors as nothing has been 100% confirmed. That said, it’s exciting to see Kojima collecting an all-star cast of actors, and featuring them in a different form of media. Despite having so little detail on Death Stranding, the game sounds exciting.

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