Newest Overwatch map, Eichenwalde, is a castle to be conquered

Presenting at Gamescom today, Blizzard gave fans what they have been waiting for with a quick glimpse of the first new map headed to Overwatch. Eichenwalde will the thirteenth official map.A hybrid Assault/Escort map, Eichenwalde takes place in an abandoned German town and castle. “The site of one of the most famous battles during the Omnic Crisis, it was here that the leader of the Crusaders, Balderich von Alder, and a handful of his best soldiers made a last stand against an advancing automaton army. Outnumbered and outgunned, they were ultimately slain during the resulting combat. However, thanks to their valiant efforts, the German military was able to push back the omnic offensive and win the fight,” the description reads.

Presenting at Gamescom today, Blizzard gave fans what they have been waiting for with a quick glimpse of the first new map headed to Overwatch. Eichenwalde will the thirteenth official map.

A hybrid Assault/Escort map, Eichenwalde takes place in an abandoned German town and castle. “The site of one of the most famous battles during the Omnic Crisis, it was here that the leader of the Crusaders, Balderich von Alder, and a handful of his best soldiers made a last stand against an advancing automaton army. Outnumbered and outgunned, they were ultimately slain during the resulting combat. However, thanks to their valiant efforts, the German military was able to push back the omnic offensive and win the fight,” the description reads.

The attacking team will start out by fighting to capture a battering ram. Once capturing it, the team then must escort it to Eichenwalde Castle. This involves breaching the castle doors and then pushing forward more  to capture Balderich’s remains. In a nice bit of synergy, Balderich’s armor is the same as Reinhardt’s, the grizzled, German co-founder of Overwatch.

Unfortunately the new map is only listed as “coming soon.” For something a bit more immediate to look forward to, Game Director Jeff Kaplan recently spoke about all the changes coming to Overwatch in Competitive Play Season 2. Expect revisions to Skill Ratings, Competitive Points, and more.

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