Horizon Zero Dawn looks even better on PlayStation 4 Pro

Since Horizon Zero Dawn's announcement, fans have been chomping at the bit for more details about the gorgeous post-post-apocalyptic work of art.With demo gameplay of running on the PlayStation 4 Pro, Sony has provided fans with a plethora of information about how the upgraded console brings makes the beautiful game come to life.

Since Horizon Zero Dawn’s announcement, fans have been chomping at the bit for more details about the gorgeous post-post-apocalyptic work of art.

With demo gameplay of running on the PlayStation 4 Pro, Sony has provided fans with a plethora of information about how the upgraded console brings makes the beautiful game come to life.

Guerrilla Games describes their vision for the game, saying, “For us, Horizon Zero Dawn is all about scope, scale and visual splendor. Though the game is technically post-apocalyptic (or perhaps more accurately, post-post apocalyptic) we wanted to create a vision of nature reclaiming the Earth. PS4 Pro’s power afforded us a number of interesting possibilities to expand this vision even further.”

The PS4 Pro renders the game originally for 4K TVs, before shrinking it down to the more standard 1080p. The game looks beautiful on both, but Guerrilla says those with the right equipment will “notice a ton of subtle details, from stitching on Aloy’s outfit, individual leafs and branches swaying in the wind, kilometers away in the distance and more detail in all machines and NPCs in the world.”

The Pro is starting to sound like a pretty good attempt at creating games that can be mistaken for reality, and make the best use of that equipment as possible.

Horizon Zero Dawn is set to release in the US February 28th, 2017 for PS4.

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