Mass Effect: Andromeda cinematic trailer revealed

Mass Effect fans can finally rejoice as BioWare celebrated N7 day with a host of details for Mass Effect: Andromeda, and even released the first cinematic trailer. Ever since Mass Effect 3 came out in 2012, there has been numerous teases to where the franchise will go next. But now we have a clear idea.

Mass Effect fans can finally rejoice as BioWare celebrated N7 day with a host of details for Mass Effect: Andromeda, and even released the first cinematic trailer. Ever since Mass Effect 3 came out in 2012, there has been numerous teases to where the franchise will go next. But now we have a clear idea.

The trailer doesn’t show us much in terms of gameplay, perhaps a small third person clip of facing off against a giant robotic creature. Other than that, it is merely a plot teaser to build excitement among fans.

The Andromeda Initiative is the attempt from the civilizations of the Milky Way to reach our closest neighboring galaxy. From the looks of the trailer, it doesn’t go according to plan.

A special information website has been set up, giving a view of the mission from the standpoint of within the Mass Effect universe. Here you can learn more about the objectives of the mission, and the timeline of humans and their advancements in space travel. This gives a nice snapshot of the back story for those new to the franchise, but again reveals very little about the game and how it will be played. You can, however, be awarded a special edition Pathfinder Grade helmet for completing the “training modules,” six additional trailers that will release exclusively on the game’s website in the run up to launch. The first is available now.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is set for release in Spring 2017 across all major platforms.

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