Mass Effect: Andromeda is looking for beta players

When a game like Mass Effect: Andromeda is coming out, you know there are fans who have been waiting years to dive into the experience. This anticipation was probably quadrupled when the first cinematic trailer was released this week. If you feel yourself struggling with the wait, Bioware may actually need your help. Not only will you be able to play Mass Effect: Andromeda early, but you'll be helping development as well.As with most blockbuster titles in this day and age, Mass Effect: Andromeda will be having a beta testing for its multiplayer. It was announced by the Producer of the game, Fabrice Condominas via Twitter. With his tweet, he also shared a link to sign up to participate for yourself.

When a game like Mass Effect: Andromeda is coming out, you know there are fans who have been waiting years to dive into the experience. This anticipation was probably quadrupled when the first cinematic trailer was released this week. If you feel yourself struggling with the wait, Bioware may actually need your help. Not only will you be able to play Mass Effect: Andromeda early, but you’ll be helping development as well.

As with most blockbuster titles in this day and age, Mass Effect: Andromeda will be having a beta testing for its multiplayer. It was announced by the Producer of the game, Fabrice Condominas via Twitter. With his tweet, he also shared a link to sign up to participate for yourself.

One thing that fans are noting about the sign up, is that it gives you an option of which device you would most likely be playing Mass Effect: Andromeda on. This is all well and good, except for the fact that PC is not listed, only PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Perhaps there will be a separate PC beta at some point. For now, console gamers have the upper hand to sign up for this beta. Go on to the website for yourself and sign up today.

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