Saints Row IV now has Steam Workshop support

Saints Row puts an emphasis on doing whatever you want. It's a wild game where you play how you want, with whatever weapons or cars or characters as you want. Finally, Steam has pushed that even further, offering Workshop support, and players can now mod their copies.Since Saints Row IV was never made to support modding, it was a difficult labor of love for Deep Silver Volition to fix it up for this. They worked closely with the modding community to fix the game code and create the tools necessary for actual mod support.

Saints Row puts an emphasis on doing whatever you want. It’s a wild game where you play how you want, with whatever weapons or cars or characters as you want. Finally, Steam has pushed that even further, offering Workshop support, and players can now mod their copies.

Since Saints Row IV was never made to support modding, it was a difficult labor of love for Deep Silver Volition to fix it up for this. They worked closely with the modding community to fix the game code and create the tools necessary for actual mod support.

Saints Row IV says, “The US President must save the Earth from alien overlord Zinyak using an arsenal of superpowers and strange weapons in the wildest open world game ever. The epic conclusion to the game that changed all the rules!”

The rules change once again with mod support. Saints Row players are already a hilarious bunch, who’s to keep them from playing through the entire game as Shrek? Or flying around in a blimp shaped like a hotdog truck? The coming weeks with workshop support are bound to bring us some interesting things, at the very least.

Steam is offering 75% off Saints Row IV until the 29th in celebration.

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