The Game Café: Lesser known games of 2017

There are very few industries in the world that run on excitement quite the way games do. It's true, sometimes hype can get out of hand and games can fail to live up to expectations. But other times, being excited about a game is a good thing. Looking forward to all the great games coming out in the near, and not so near, future is one of the things that makes following video games so much fun.For the first episode of 2017, we thought we'd mix up the structure a little bit. Instead of discussing one main topic, each memeber of the Game Café crew discusses a lesser known game that they are personally excited for in the coming year. From new IPs to strange sequels and even a game reinventing itself through DLC, here are some games to put on your radar.

There are very few industries in the world that run on excitement quite the way games do. It’s true, sometimes hype can get out of hand and games can fail to live up to expectations. But other times, being excited about a game is a good thing. Looking forward to all the great games coming out in the near, and not so near, future is one of the things that makes following video games so much fun.

For the first episode of 2017, we thought we’d mix up the structure a little bit. Instead of discussing one main topic, each memeber of the Game Café crew discusses a lesser known game that they are personally excited for in the coming year. From new IPs to strange sequels and even a game reinventing itself through DLC, here are some games to put on your radar.

A podcast from all of us here at Gamespresso, The Game Café is a weekly show where we dive in and discuss the big issues facing the gaming industry as it continues to grow. You can find the latest episode, available now, on iTunesGoogle Play Music, and Stitcher. Or you can listen to it right here:

If you like the show, make sure to check out our first few episodes too, and be sure to subscribe wherever you enjoy getting your podcasts. As this is only the forth episode of The Game Café, the show is still young, so please also let us know what you think. We’d love to here your thoughts. Comment here, or shoot us a message on Twitter @Gamespresso or on Facebook. What games are you most excited for in 2017? Let us know. And, of course, keep checking back here on Gamespresso for a new episode every week.

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