Gearbox unloads a Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition story trailer
We are just over a month away from the release of Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition, and Gearbox Software is celebrating with the release of a story trailer. Granted, some older gamers might question the necessity of this trailer, since the Full Clip Edition is an HD remaster of the original 2011 game, but newcomers still need to understand what this game is about.

We are just over a month away from the release of Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition, and Gearbox Software is celebrating with the release of a story trailer. Granted, some older gamers might question the necessity of this trailer, since the Full Clip Edition is an HD remaster of the original 2011 game, but newcomers still need to understand what this game is about.
The trailer gives the audience a general idea of the story: Grayson Hunt is on a quest to kill the psychopathic general Victor Sarrano and escape the planet Stygia. Despite the basic plot summary, the trailer is more focused on establishing a mood and characterizations, even though they are at odds with the atmosphere of the game.
The trailer strikes a somber tone and frames Hunt as a man haunted by his past — by all the innocent people Sarrano tricked him into killing, especially the reporter Bryce Novak. However, while Hunt occasionally broods, he also provides the audience levity with sarcasm and outbursts of colorful, if juvenile, profanity and insults. Despite the serious nature of the plot, the game maintains an somewhat lighthearted, almost Borderlands-like tone thanks to its over-the-top skill-based combat system.
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition will launch April 7th for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Those who pre-0rder the game will also receive Duke Nukem’s Bulletstorm Tour DLC, a special mode that replaces Hunt with Duke Nukem (complete with all new voice lines done by Jon St. John).