Overwatch continues Numbani teasers with a news report

The Overwatch Facebook page has updated to show a fake news report on an attack on Numbani airport with an "unidentified assailant." This follows the other Numbani-related teaser earlier this week, with the interview with child genius Efi Oladele.The news story involves a screenshot of a news report, and the following, "[BREAKING] OR15 defense units destroyed in confrontation with unidentified assailant at Numbani airport. No civilian casualties reported."

The Overwatch Facebook page has updated to show a fake news report on an attack on Numbani airport with an “unidentified assailant.” This follows the other Numbani-related teaser earlier this week, with the interview with child genius Efi Oladele.

The news story involves a screenshot of a news report, and the following, “[BREAKING] OR15 defense units destroyed in confrontation with unidentified assailant at Numbani airport. No civilian casualties reported.”

In response to a comment asking what the eyewitnesses saw, the Facebook replied “We’ll have to wait and see if this report develops.”, insinuating that there may be more information on it’s way on this singular event.

Currently, we have several connecting threads between these Numbani stories; Numbani itself, and robotics. Efi Oladele is a robotics genius, and the attack on the airport took out some OR15 Defense Units, which she says she dreams of making. If these posts are teasing a new Overwatch hero, could they be the villain who would attack the Numbani Airport in a “major confrontation”?

Could it be someone trying to take Doomfist’s gauntlet from the museum? “The Successor”, said to be the 3rd Doomfist, based on some posters found in the Numbani Museum, has no known identity, and fans have no idea if he’ll be good or bad. Blizzard said the next hero won’t be who we think it is, but they’ve thrown that curve-ball in the past.

We’re bound to get another thread for this story within the next couple days, with the rate in which the first two came out. Keep a watch on the Overwatch blog, and right here at Gamespresso for updates as they come.

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