In its weekly update, Bungie announced that there’s still more to find in The Taken King.

Sure, players might have completed the King’s Fall Raid and defeated Oryx, but there are more secrets hidden across the Dreadnaught.

“Destiny Year Two has more in store for you than The Taken King,” Bungie’s Community Manager DeeJ said, “And Oryx still has more tricks secreted away up his sleeves and aboard his fortress. There are rewards we have yet to reveal and that you have yet to earn. One or two of them were discovered by you this week.”

“We could illuminate the path for you, but that would be too easy,” he continued, “Rather, we prefer for you to emerge as the heroes in your living, social world. We just built the place. You’re the legends.”

It will be interesting to see what Bungie has planned for future content in Year Two and if they will release more expansions like they did in Year One with The Dark Below and House of Wolves. One thing is for sure, there are still more secrets to find in the Dreadnaught like the hidden mission to obtain the Exotic Black Spindle sniper rifle that the Destiny community found earlier in the week.

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