Elder Scrolls Online is now finally buy-to-play after Zenimax announced ,several months ago, that the subscription fee would be dropped. Only a one time purchase is now required to have unlimited access to the game which has also been rebranded as “Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited”. Players who have accounts have been automatically moved across so no data has been lost. Current subscribers will be moved to the “ESO Plus” subscription which they can continue with if they choose; this new subscription gives those players in-game bonus’s for both cosmetic, XP and other useful perks to make your friends jealous.

The game has changed a lot since it was originally released in May 2014 and several of the updates included what players had been waiting months for; thievery has finally been added with the new Justice System which allows players to steal from and murder almost anyone they desire. Though the Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood are still absent from the game it’s suspected that with this new update we’ll soon be seeing their additions.

Other new editions to the game include more areas to explore (try not to get too lost), a new Champion System, armour dye and 12 player trials.

The console editions of the game are still scheduled to be released June 9th and will also be subscription fee, something many console users will be happy to hear.

No doubt the servers will be extremely busy for Elder Scrolls Online today, only time will see if the servers will hold as Windows and Mac players flood back in or enter the world for the first time. Though it looks as though the official website may be struggling already as users try to access it for live news updates on the game.

Will you be entering Tamriel and fighting for your faction? The possibilities in Tamriel are almost endless. Let us know in the comments below!

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