Focus Home Interactive has revealed the first look at gameplay for their upcoming title, Vampyr.

The 15 minute trailer is from pre-alpha gameplay, but gives players a look at what they can expect from the game. The developer, Dontnod Entertainment, notes that many of the systems are still incomplete, specifically the combat system, which is still being tweaked in development.

In Vampyr, players assume the role of Dr Jonathan Reid, a vampire who must now interact with characters who may or may not know that Reid is a vampire.

“Investigate the people of London, and peer through their bodies to see the quality of blood that flows through them,” the developer writes. “Perhaps you find a terrible person who you believe deserves to die, and decide to feed on him. But what if he suffers from poor quality blood? Perhaps a father – with no reason to lose his life – has the purest blood, and will therefore gain you greater experience points… your moral choices will directly affect the game world as you struggle to come to terms with your human/vampire duality.”

Vampyr comes from the same developer behind last year’s choice-based episodic title, Life is Strange. Choices will also play a large point in Vampyr.

“Every single life will also have a butterfly effect on the other NPCs surrounding them. Every life you take away will have consequences for the city and the people around them: Cursed be the choice!”

Vampy releases in 2017 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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