Rainbow Six Siege has been met with success since it was released some time ago. Of course, there is always room for improvement, especially when players are finding bugs that are interfering with completing their missions. After some delay, update 4.3 is finally ready for Rainbow Six Siege.

First notable change is fixing the Caveira character in letting her successfully finish her interrogations. This includes when a player has quit as well. The second and very important update, is the addition of Anti-bullying system. With this if a player kills the same teammate twice, they will be kicked from the match and banned from Matchmaking for 15 minutes if it is a ranked. For a second offense, this will go up to 30 minutes, third – 2 hours, fourth – 24 hours, and fifth – 7 whole days. This is definitely not something Rainbow Six Siege players want to get into the habit of.

Hopefully with this changes, players will have an even better time playing online in this great Ubisoft shooter. At the very least, it should discourage those who like to prey on their own teammates for fun. There are many more bugs that were patched up from this update. Take a look at the forums to see the full patch notes.

Rainbow Six Siege is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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