Early Access game Super Treasure Arena is currently bathed in spooky aesthetics with the latest Halloween Edition. This edition is a patch that was released earlier in the week, which applied a free update that gave levels a more festive atmosphere as the player guns down enemies and collect loot (and candy). This fun little update was made by the developers, Vennril, who happened to be an avid fan of the Halloween season.

Super Treasure Arena is an arcade arena shooter where players must fight through obstacles and one another, in order to complete objectives. The main game mode involves collecting coins from around the map or stealing them from other players. Super Treasure Arena has 6 different maps to play on, 2 game modes, local and online multiplayer as well as 5 different classes to play as. These include the Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Mystic and Ninja. Vennril intends to adds more content, with focus on fixing and polishing the game according to feedback for the time being.

The game was released on Steam Early Access on September 16th, and according to the Steam page, will continue to be on Early Access for another 2-3 months. Upon full release, Super Treasure Arena will no longer be $7.99 USD, as the game will be considered complete upon full release.

Super Treasure Arena

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