Released last week, the 3.3 patch for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward promised much more content and a dramatic entry into the main story. The patch also included new items, weapons, armor, dungeons, raids and several new encounters. Titled the ‘Revenge of the Horde’ the entire update is broken down on this handy site.

A quick highlight of the update is as follows:

  • More Hildibrand quest shenanigans
  • A continuation on the Warring Triad quest line
  • Hunt for treasure in the ‘Aquapolis’ instance
  • Final confrontation against Nidhogg in the newest trial ‘The Final Steps of Faith’
  • Battle in PvP Frontlines on ‘The Fields of Glory (Shatter)’
  • Raid through ‘The Weeping City of Mhach’
  • Plunder the dungeons of Sohr Khai and the harder Hullbreaker Island (Hard)
  • Take on the next big step of the Anima Weapon quest line to improve your relic weapon
  • Immerse yourself in the beast tribes quest in Zenith
  • New hairstyles, crafting, minions, mounts and emotes to collect and try out
  • Plus more ‘quality of life’ improvements for many features including housing, raid finder, gear optimization, etc.

Expect several more patches before the official jump into the next expansion. No word is out yet, but Heavenward is definitely drawing to it’s epic conclusion.

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