Epic Games, from Gears of War creator John Wasilczyk, has released a new Paragon gameplay trailer for the company’s upcoming MOBA entitled “Mid-Lane Push.”

The trailer features characters Gadget and Feng Mao pushing down the middle of the map while defending character Rampage rushing to defend which sets up Kallari for a surprise attack.

Gadget has the ability Seek & Destroy while Feng Mao has the abilities Earth Shatter and Reaping Dash. Abilities for the opposing team featured Rampage’s Boulder Throw and Kallari’s Death Sentence. There seems to be plenty of AI creeps and towers throughout the map.

There’s currently a closed alpha is in-progress for the PC version of the game and a version for the PS4 is expected to drop “very soon.” A paid early access program is scheduled for the spring and players will be able to participate in an open beta sometime in summer 2016.

Paragon launches on PS4 and PC in 2016.

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