When you think about furry creatures, you think serene and natural. When you look at this video of Armello,  you think furry creatures donning weapons and armor must be living in a dark world. Armello is the product of the company League of Geeks and has had a lot of praise and support. Their Kickstarter campaign for the game was a resounding success and they’ve been working hard on the big release.

The trailer paints a vivid image as to what you need to expect out of this game. That it isn’t an easy or relaxing adventure, it’s brutal and dark. A very bold setting to place the characters in.

Armello is best described as a role-playing board game. It’s Settler of Catan meets Dungeons & Dragons meets adorable looking characters. If any of these words catch your fancy, that should be enough to give this game a proper look.

Armello was out on Early Access on Steam for awhile, so many have had a chance to play the game. It is slated to be released on the 1st of September for not just the PS4 but for the official release version on Steam for PC, Mac and Linux versions.

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