Fans have been waiting in such anticipation for the final line in Sora’s story in the Kingdom Hearts series with Kingdom Hearts III for a decade now, but the original rough release date was thought to be delayed once Square Enix announced the release of Kingdom Hearts 2.8 at the Tokyo Game Show 2015.

That date was set to be early 2016, which may seem far, but is slowly creeping up on us. However, Amazon apparently emailed a fan of the game, most likely someone who had preordered it, stating that the release date is set for January 2nd, 2017. Square Enix has yet to make any announcements regarding the date.

A 2017 release date may come as a slap in the face, but it also means that Square Enix can use this time to fine tune the game and make it the Kindgom Hearts game that we’ve always dreamed of.

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