In the latest Bungie Weekly Update, Bungie stated that the Trials of Osiris will come back to the world of Destiny on October 30th.

Trials of Osiris was originally scheduled to take place during last weekend, but a bug was discovered for the Nightstalker Hunter subclass. The bug allowed users to continually recharge their super by simply entering their menu after the super had been activated. Unable to fix the bug on time, Bungie delayed Trials of Osiris.

“Now that the Nightstalkers have been brought back down to the level playing field, Brother Vance is ready to fire up the Lighthouse as you are to go there,” Bungie said, “The competition resumes on Friday, October 30. Mark your calendars. Upgrade your weapons. Stand together or die alone.”

Trials of Osiris Matches two teams of three against each other. It is an elimination game mode where there are no respawns, but teammates can revive each other. Teams battle to reach five round wins.

Also coming to players is the Hard Mode King’s Fall raid tomorrow at 1 PM EDT. Check out the full Bungie Weekly Update here.

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