Could the next entry in the Ace Combat series be set for a worldwide reveal at PlayStation Experience later this week? It looks that way, if a recent update from Bandai Namco is to be believed.

The photo below, which was obtained by data miners and posted on a Ace Combat fan forum, strongly indicates that the PlayStation Experience event at the end of this week will be the event at which Ace Combat 7 will finally be revealed to the world.

Also buried within the update in the free-to-play Ace Combat game is the ability for players of the game to unlock Ace Combat 7 emblems, to celebrate the announcement of the new entry later this week. It goes without saying that neither Bandai Namco or Sony have announced the game yet, or commented on the find by the data miners.


PlayStation Experience will be held over this weekend in San Francisco, from December 5 to 6. Developers confirmed to be appearing at the show will be Bungie, Naughty Dog Treyarch, as well as publishers Activision, EA, 2K Games, Ubisoft, Square Enix and Capcom.

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