The North American PSN has had another load of dynamic themes dropped onto the storefront after last week’s bundle of themes. There is far more selection in this week’s collection including Wander Rainforest, Dynamic Digital Wormhole and even a few Attack on Titans have joined in.

The list greatly improves over last week’s sparing collection of 10 that included themes like Dog Soldier, Creep and Skuddie. The line up this week has been increased to 24 new themes, all for $2.99 and above.

Here’s a full list below, courtesy of Dualshockers:

Not only is there a greater variety but there’s also a much higher quality of themes to choose from, upgrading from generic Hip-Hop Girl to Attack on Titan Survey Corps is going to make players take definite notice.

Some of the themes are still very generic and don’t quite hold up when compared to Wander but with an increase of quality and quantity, lets hope next weeks bundle includes something even better.

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