GameStop-Expo-2015-700x350Last Tuesday, Gamestop announced the 2015 Expo at The Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas. Of all the things that you can regularly do at a video game convention, Gamestop’s will include previewed game sessions, a Tomb Raider photo booth, Virtual Reality Headsets, and real-life Halo matches. This may seem like a small amount for this year, but there is a guaranteed massive scale of fun waiting for gamers at the Gamestop Expo this year with a 250,000 square foot show-floor.

Given that this is a one-day event, the early-September expo is going to be packed with players from all over the country. Exciting exclusive unreleased preview gameplay will include Destiny: The Taken King, Halo 5: Guardians, Star Wars Battlefront, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Street Fighter V, and much more. Although some of these games come out fairly close to September (like Destiny’s new installment) we should see a significant spike in hype and social media awareness for these games thanks to Gamestop’s previewing of these unreleased titles.

Next up, we have a Tomb Raider photo booth, where people can try on Raider-esque costumes and take pictures of themselves as if they were in the game (I am expecting some pretty creative images to be developed). Also, PC gaming will be given some attention as the Alienware Steam Machine and the Valve Steam controllers will be on display to try.

Virtual Reality will be making a stop by Expo 2015 with Project Morpheus developed by the Playstation team as well as the ViveVR Headset by HTC. Players will be able to finally experience VR on a wider basis and hopefully we’ll get some real-time feedback on those products as they are tested out. Other tech on display includes the $150 Xbox One Elite controller.

Lastly, attendants with a pass can play a “real Halo Breakout Match.” Equipped with BOOMco blasters and Spartan Armor, teams of four can go out onto the original Crossfire battlemap and compete for bragging rights (as displayed earlier this month at Comic-Con).

Now that it’s been explained, it does seem like a lot and it will be a fun time for gamers who attend in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 2. Tickets start at $40 so head over to to register along with a list of much more that will be going on at the Gamestop Expo this fall.

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