It was recently reported that a number of Steam users have had their accounts hacked due to the ease of which a hacker can compromise a Steam account. The video below shows just how easy it is for accounts to be hacked on Steam. The theme began to occur at some point in July.


Valve is assuring us that the issue has now been fixed and that it is “resetting passwords on accounts with suspicious password changes during that period or may have otherwise been affected. Relevant users will receive an email with a new password. Once that email is received, it is recommended that users login to their account via the Steam client and set a new password. Please note that while an account password was potentially modified during this period the password itself was not revealed. Also, if Steam Guard was enabled, the account was protected from unauthorized logins even if the password was modified.”

Will you continue to use the service despite the apparent instability of its security? It would be unfair to say that Valve has a track record with this sort of thing, but you can’t help but be concerned about the fact that there was no real safeguard in place to keep accounts protected.

No doubt many gamers will continue to use the service given its huge popularity and ability to provide players with a huge library of games for a relatively low cost. What do you think? Are you willing to put your faith into Valve in the hope that this won’t happen again?

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