Naughty Dog has released a new update to Uncharted 4’s multiplayer mode, with these changes intending to fix issues that the game’s Leader board system has. It also fixes a bug that causes players to lose their progression in Trials and Ranked Team Death Match. Naughty Dog highlighted changes on the official website.

The official changes can be found below, and as mentioned above, relate to multiplayer.

  • Fixed a profile issue causing users to lose their Trials & Ranked TDM progression
  • Fixed a Leaderboard issue where Classic Mode statistics counted to the regular TDM Leaderboards
  • Fixed an issue with being able to hear player’s microphones before a Ranked TDM match
  • Fixed an issue where the the HDR option could cause certain menu screens to become unresponsive

The changes implemented should allow users to track their progression in Team Death Match.

Uncharted 4 released for PlayStation 4 earlier this year. Since then, Naughty Dog has announced that the game has received 4K support on the PlayStation 4 Pro. Gamers are now able to enjoy the conclusion of this action packed series in high quality 4K resolution and with the new changes to the game’s multiplayer mode, they are in for a grand adventure.

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