Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata has announced a new patch coming to the game soon, and also stated that he still wants to see the RPG come to PC.

During a new Active Time Report from Tokyo (via DualShockers), Tabata announced an update that will release for Final Fantasy XV on February 21st. The update will include PlayStation 4 Pro support for 1080p/60 FPS, and will make it possible to use a music player when riding a chocobo. The level cap will be raised to 120, and players will be able to save 200 pictures instead of 150. Finally, there will be time-limited quests, which are quests that will be available for a limited time. For this update, these quests will be new mobhunts, but there will be more in the future.

In another interview with Weekly Famitsu (via Gematsu), Tabata spoke on his interest in bringing Final Fantasy XV to PC. He stated: “I’d like to release the game on PC as a technical attempt. I want to show PC users Final Fantasy XV running on high-end machines, and we personally would like to see it, too. Also, I would like to try developing on PC to pursue a unique way of playing with PC-exclusive features like making your own quests and enjoying the world using things like mods.”

Final Fantasy XV is available now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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