For the next nine days, you can pay whatever you want and get 3 Total War games and a bunch of goodies alongside it.

For those unaware, Humble Bundle is a site that allows you to pay whatever you wish for a bundle of games. The more you pay, the more games included in the bundle. The proceeds go to charity too as well.

Paying whatever you want nets you Medieval II: Total War Collection, Shogun: Total War Collection, Viking: Battle For Asgard, and the Total War: Rome II soundtrack. You’ll also get a Total War: Arena beta key, several Total War eBooks, a Total War: Warhammer campaign map, the Humble Banner Heraldry, and $10 of in-game cash for Total War Battles: Kingdom.

If you’re willing to pay more than average for the bundle (currently $9.11), and you’ll also get Empire: Total War Collection, Medieval: Total War Collection, and a coupon for a whopping 66% off Total War: Attila.

If you pay $15 or more you’ll be awarded Total War: Rome II Emperor Edition and a ton of DLC. If you’re willing to spring 30$ or more, you’ll get everything I just mentioned, as well as a Total War T-shirt. Yay!


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