Activision made a not-so-surprising announcement this week, when they confirmed the existence of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. From what we have seen so far, this title will be taking the franchise to limits that it has never surpassed before. And yet, you cannot experience these new thresholds with a friend.

While Infinite Warfare will most likely keep the player’s attention with an intense and addictive multiplayer, the campaign should not be disregarded. It is an important staple in the franchise, often with a rich and compelling story to set the mood. It was revealed by Activision, however, that this campaign will be single player only. This news is disappointing, but it could be an active choice by the developers to have it that way. Perhaps there is a lonely in space vibe that they want to emphasize, or they simply want the player to feel by themselves in the campaign.

Luckily, there will still be co-op in the brand new Zombies mode for the latest Call of Duty. Infinite Warfare will be available on November 4th for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

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