We are merely days away from the beginning of E3 2016. Soon, we will have announcements of games and features to bring joy to gamers everywhere. This also means the one year anniversary of backwards compatibility finally coming to the Xbox One. Let’s take a look at the latest titles added to the bunch.

Major Nelson, the well known Xbox blogger, has revealed 3 games that are now available via backwards compatibility today. They are Aqua, a nautical action game, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, an alien strategy game, and Lazy Raiders, a treasure hunting puzzle game. While none of these games are even close to the top requested backwards compatible titles, Microsoft has stated that they are releasing game without any schedule as soon as they become available. Hopefully soon we will see some more wanted games, but for not let’s enjoy what we have.

You can see all the other titles available for Xbox One via backwards compatibility on the Major Nelson website. Be sure to check back in with Gamespresso as more are released.

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