Gamespresso Journalism

Watch a Madden 16 9-minute fumble glitch

The score is tied at 3 between the Arizona Cardinals and the Carolina Panthers in the third quarter. It's the first down at the 22 yard line with 19 yards to go. Drew Stanton steps up to pass and fires one down the middle and... it's fumbled! What precedes fo... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Rockstar bombs GTA V in-game exploiter

Rockstar has undertaken a very humorous-esque approach to dealing with players exploiting an unwanted vehicle spawn glitch in GTA V Online by literally bombing the player in-game. The glitch was discovered a f... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Guide: How to glitch Heavy Ammo in Destiny

Destiny is a game filled with shortcuts, cheeses, and glitches players discovered to ease their way through the game's myriad of activities. This guide details one of the many ways to quickly generate Heavy Ammo - a useful tip for Strikes, Nightfalls, and Raid... Read More...