For the very first time, Bethesda is going to be holding its own E3 press conference and it’s all going down on June 15th! Seeing as how this is the first time the developer and publisher giant has ever held their own press conference, it probably means they have some serious glitz and glam to show off. There’s so much potential for great announcements here, but what will most likely make it onto the stage and what will be held off until later? Will this press conference end up revealing that Prey 2 is still very much alive? Will it be a solid hour of TESO content?

Fallout 4


The rumor mill has really been cranking out on this one. With Fallout 3 being one of the greatest titles for the last gen consoles, and Fallout New Vegas not really filling the void of a story continuation from 3, it would be really nice to see a Fallout 4 announcement. Honestly, Bethesda would be fools not to at least acknowledge the existence of the game at this point because that alone would generate enough hype to have people talking about it for the next 5 years. The series basically prints money for them, so hopefully this game is a definite. Of course, there’s always the possibility that Fallout 4 turns out to be Fallout Tactics: HD in which case I, and a plethora of fans, will be sobbing for days after their press release. Even worse Fallout 4 could be announced as an MMO which would ruin the entire wasteland feel but could pull in a lot of the more casual Fallout fans, but this could also hurt the player base of TESO. Then again there have been confirmations  of a trailer for Fallout 4 having been made by Guillermo De Toro’s studios back in March so we’ll just have to sit and be patient.

Doom 4

After this video was posted on the Bethesda YouTube, it is 100% confirmed that Doom 4 is finally getting a re-reveal. The original Doom 4 met with such lackluster response that the whole thing was gutted and recreated from the ground up, and I’m excited to see what id Software has cooked up. We know we’ll see gameplay footage at the press conference, but will we finally get a release date for when I can start massacring my enemies in a hail of bullets? I think it’s very likely that they’ll have a tentative release date for us along with perhaps even a playable demo.

Prey 2

Unfortunately there is next to no hope that Bethesda will get back into Prey 2. While the initial trailer back in 2011 was amazing, I highly doubt that it will ever see the light of day again. This is just one of the good ones that never made it.

TESO Content and Expansions


This one is a given honestly. With TESO being what Bethesda has been pouring their blood, sweat and tears into for a while now, the likelihood that they wouldn’t talk about what is coming up next and attempt to hype up the game some more is practically nill. What all they have in mind, I’m not exactly sure, but hopefully they have a lot of ideas on how to pull in a larger player base and keep them enthralled with the game. It would be nice to see the game really step up and start to do even better than it currently is. With TESO releasing in a few weeks for the new-gen consoles and The Explorers Pack coming out soon it is likely that a large portion of the conference will be devoted to TESO.

Dishonored 2


People have been talking about the creation of a Dishonored 2 basically since the release of Dishonored. The game really was fantastic and it certainly warrants a sequel that would likely do just as well if not better than the original. Since Arkane Studios, the developers of the original Dishonored, already have experience with the new-gen consoles under their belt, it makes sense that they would start on a new Dishonored game. We may see a simple teaser trailer, it may just be briefly mentioned, or for all we know they may even have some gameplay to show us. This title is one I’m really hoping for during their press conference.

The Elder Scrolls 6


This one may be a bit of a stretch, but it’s very possible that Bethesda may tease us a bit about the next Elder Scrolls game. With the Elder Scrolls series at this point it is not a question of if there will be another one, but when there will be another one. It would be a little surprising to bring up a new Fallout game and a new Elder Scrolls game at the same time, but I’ve been surprised before. Of course announcing both at once would just lead to the two competing with themselves, not to mention the new Elder Scrolls game would definitely overshadow TESO. It is much more likely that Bethesda will announce some sort of Skyrim HD or perhaps even an overhaul of one of the older Elder Scrolls. While this one is super high on my list for things I would like to see at this press conference it’s not very probable.

New Project from Shinji Mikami


With the completion of The Evil Within, it is time for the creator of Resident Evil to look on to new things. If Bethesda does announce something new coming from Tango Gameworks, I pray that it isn’t just a sequel or a GOTY edition of The Evil Within. Hopefully since his last game was more horror themed, he’ll create a new more action oriented game next.

Anything Else?

Barring the announcement of any new IPs, any sort of news on a new Wolfenstein, or anything crazy like the cancellation of the Fallout series I don’t really see anything else coming out of this Bethesda press conference. Let’s hope that they put on a good show though!

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