Nintendo has always had people play their games and post them on YouTube, it seems that Pokémon Rumble World is on of the trending games on the site.

Now when I say trending I mean  games that saw the best improvements in number of videos uploaded and increase in watchtime.

Here is a list of the top 10 trending games:

1. Mortal Kombat X
2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
3. Bloodborne
4. Killing Floor 2
5. MLB 15: The Show
6. Star Wars Battlefront (the upcoming 2015 one)
7. The Witcher 3
8. Pokémon Rumble World
9. Neverwinter
10. Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

To be completly honest I’m surpiresed that Pokémon Rumble World was on the list and that The Witcher 3 wasn’t higher up.

Pokémon Rumble World has had both bad and good reviews, but it seems that people in YouTube are loving it right now.

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