Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem may be returning …again

If Randy Pitchford is to be trusted, we may be hearing news about the next Duke Nukem title in just a few days-- and it may involve Gears of War. Pitchford's early career included work on Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic... Read More...
Pokemon GO Ditto triple

Ditto is now officially in Pokemon GO

Ditto has been captured in Pokemon GO-- and it appears that Ditto disguises itself as common Pokemon until it has been caught. According to a thread in the Pokemon GO fan-Reddit TheSilphRoad, user Kvothealar... Read More...
Pokemon GO Alakazam Gengar

Pokemon GO has rebalanced Pokemon CP

It appears that Niantic has been paying attention to the Pokemon GO meta, and seeks to now balance it-- or at least mix things up. Up until this point, certain Pokemon-- Dragonite, Snorlax, Lapras, Vaporeon-- ... Read More...
Infinite Warfare

Infinite Warfare gets massive new patch

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has met with a slightly troubled release, but at least its bugs are being addressed in the form of patches. In Infinite Warfare's most recent patch, Infinity Ward added game mo... Read More...