PlayStation 4

Gamespresso Journalism

New Witcher 3 patch sent to certification

According to part of an interview by Eurogamer, CD Projekt Red has sent a rather gargantuan patch for The Witcher 3 that includes around 600 changes to certification yesterday (Wednesday - May 20, 2015). Patch ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Destiny's House of Wolves story missions

On Tuesday, Bungie finally released their new expansion for Destiny, the House of Wolves. With that expansion comes a variety of additions and improvements to the sci-fi FPS, including a small batch of story missions to complete. For those of you that have pla... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Let's Play Evolve: Monster/Medic gameplay

In Evolve, four player controlled characters, each with their own specific roles, are teamed up to hunt and kill the monster. The player controlled monster is tasked with quickly feeding on various smaller crea... Read More...