Gamespresso Journalism

The latest PSN sale has begun

Just in time for the holiday season, Sony has launched a new Playstation Network sale, themed around co-op games. There are a ton of games available including: Borderlands The Presequel, Far Cry 4, and Rocket L... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

PlayStation Store Flash Sale leaked

The U.S. Flash Sale listing has been put out a day earlier than intended. The leak confirms that the theme is survival based.  Sony removed the Flash Sale for now on the PSN, most likely to avoid confusion from... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

PSN flash sale for a limited time only

Sony has come out with a new flash sale this weekend only with titles from Playstation 3, Playstation 4, PS Vita, and even some movies all for under $8! Some of the discounted games include Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, Telltale's The Walk... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Golden week sale on the Playstation store

To celebrate Golden Week, Playstation is offering a limited-time Golden Week Sale for all Japanese-inspired games, movies, and even TV shows!  The sale will include a huge variety of indie and triple-A games at discounts of up to 66% off.  The savings get even... Read More...