Gamespresso Journalism

Why do people pick the consoles they do?

Early this week Nielsen, the consumer research firm, released a note on their findings from a study done recently on the purchasing habits of those taking the dive into the new generation of consoles, asking bo... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Batman: Arkham Knight gets mature rating from ESRB

Rocksteady's latest Batman: Arkham Knight is the first game in the series to receive an 'M' for mature rating after Arkham Asylum and Arkham Origins both received 'T' for teen. In an interview with IGN, Sefton Hill, founder of Rocksteady and game director for... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

The Order: 1886 Review

First things first, Ready at Dawn’s The Order: 1886 is hands down one of the prettiest games I have ever played. The graphics are downright breathtaking at some points. Every little detail, from the wind moving Sir Galahad’s hair ever so slightly, to the way t... Read More...