Gears of War 4

Gears of War may expand to more genres

Gears of War 4 is releasing later this month. Fans of the series have been waiting a long time for this. Since the conclusion of the original trilogy, many years have passed and a new enemy may threaten the good people the COG are meant to protect. The story o... Read More...
Battlefield 1 Xbox One

Xbox shares TwitchCon streaming schedule

With each new gaming conference that comes around, fans of the media can be sure to see new reveals and great gameplay footage of upcoming titles. It may be hard to keep track of all of them and what their schedules will be, but luckily we're being covered by ... Read More...
Gears of War 4

Gears of War 4 preload ready for Xbox One

On the Xbox 360, an entire trilogy of action, drama, and some of the best gameplay around, graced the console and all those who owned it. This trilogy was the first three installments to the hugely popular Gear... Read More...