Gamespresso Journalism

You can now fly around Draenor

Launching with patch 6.2.2 on September 1st (also known as today) is a few new features into World of Warcraft. One of the more notable is finally being able to fly around Draenor. What started out as Blizzard... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Guild Wars 2 goes free-to-play

At PAX Prime today the developers of Guild Wars II, ArenaNet, announced that the game will be going free-to-play starting immediately. During the 3 years it has been released, it has sold 5 million copies and r... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

WildStar begins free-to-play closed beta

NCSoft and Carbine Studios have recently announced the change to a free-to-play model for MMORPG WildStar. The transition begins with a closed beta that all current subscribers are able to access. Players wishing to join the game can apply for a beta key on th... Read More...