Gamespresso Journalism

The NA Collegiate Championship is back

Last season's North American Collegiate Championship was a hit with students, and Riot is bringing it back this year. One difference is that instead of allowing an unlimited amount of schools to participate, t... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Are you ready for the 2015 League World Championships?

This year's League of Legends World Championships is starting soon and I don't think that I'm emotionally ready for it. In the below video, we're tortured with a short clip of Dash congratulating HotshotGG on CLG's win, asking him if he's ready for Worlds, and... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Team 8 is back in the NA LCS

Joining Team Coast, who won their promotion series earlier today allowing them a seat in the North American League Championship Series, Team 8 is back on the big stage, and will be competing against top name te... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

Thresh: The champion, the gamer, the namesake

We all respect the fact that Thresh is one of League of Legends' best supports. He has a great fight initiative with his grab that allows him to pull an enemy towards him and his team, or to latch onto said enemy, pressing Q again and dragging himself towards ... Read More...
Gamespresso Journalism

League of Legends 2015 All-Star event

Riot, developper for the popular free-to-play MOBA League of Legends, has recently announced that LA will be home to the 2015 All-Star event. The event will consist of 6 teams, each representing a region; Nort... Read More...